Wel dyma'r Ceidwad mawr

1,2,(5); 1+2,3+4.
(Adnabod Crist)
Wel dyma'r Ceidwad mawr
  A ddaeth i lawr o'r nef, 
I achub gwaeledd, llwch y llawr
  Gogoniant iddo Ef! 

Bu farw yn ein lle
  Ni, bechaduriaid gwael;
Mae pob cyfiawnder ynddo 'Fe
  Sydd arnom eisieu gael.

Ei 'nabod Ef yn iawn
  Yw'r bywyd llawn o hedd,
A gweld ei iachawdwriaeth lawn
  Sydd yn dragwyddol wledd:

Cael teimlo gwaed y groes
  Yn dofi'r loes a'r cur
A wnaeth i filoedd o bob oes
  Gydseinio'r anthem bur.

Doed holl breswylwyr nef,
  A phawb îs awyr las,
Yn unol mewn hyfrydol lef
  I ganmol golud gras.
John Thomas 1730-1804?

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Aylesbury (Salmydd Chetham)
Olmutz (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Tonau [MBD 6686D]:
Aberdar (alaw Ellmynig)
Diademata (George Job Elvey 1816-93)
Eden (John Roberts [Ieuan Gwyllt] 1822-77)
Lonsdale (<1829)
Olewydd / Olivet (J B Dykes 1823-76)

gwelir: Ei 'nabod ef yn iawn

(Knowing Christ)
Behold the great Saviour
  Who came down from heaven,
To save the base, the dust of the earth
  Glory unto Him!

He died in our place
  Ours, base sinners;
There is every righteousness in Him
  Which we need to have.

To know Him fully
  Is the life full of peace,
And to see his full salvation
  Is an eternal feast:

Getting to feel the blood of the cross
  Taming the pangs and the blow
Has made thousands of every age
  Resound the pure anthem.

Let all the inhabitants of heaven come,
  And everyone below the blue sky,
United in a delightful cry
  To praise the riches of grace.
tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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